STMicroelectronics and Wurth Elektronik Cooperate for a High-Performance Power Tool

Wurth Elektronik and STMicroelectronics have collaborated on the development of a demonstration using a Wurth power tool. This innovative design efficiently drives a low-voltage Brushless DC motor, making it ideal for handheld power-tool applications. It incorporates all the necessary user interfaces to control the motor’s trigger, speed, and direction. Recently, at the prestigious PCIM Europe tradeshow held in Nuremberg from May 9 to 11, 2023, the power tool demo garnered significant attention at the booths of STMicroelectronics and Wurth Elektronik.
The demo is based on the STDES-PTOOL3A reference design, which offers downloadable Gerber files, Bill of Materials, schematics, and other reference materials free of charge on It showcases the impressive capabilities of ST’s STM32G4 MCU and STDRIVE101 gate driver in driving six STL220N6F7 MOSFETs, all compliant with Wurth Elektronik’s Ferrite Bead and Power Inductor. These components provide numerous benefits in terms of performance, cost, quality, and ease of implementation. The software code integrated into the STM32G4 was developed using the STM32 Motor Control software development kit (X-CUBE-MCSDK). Overall, this design effectively demonstrates real-world scenarios in battery-operated handheld power tools.
In recent years, STMicroelectronics and Wurth Elektronik, an ST Authorized Partner and a leading manufacturer of passive components, have fostered a strong collaboration. They have successfully developed reference designs by leveraging the strengths of both companies. By combining ST’s active components with Wurth Elektronik’s passive components, they can provide customers with ready-made turnkey solutions or customizable options. This collaboration has yielded positive outcomes in various joint projects, including the integration of Wurth Elektronik components into a range of ST evaluation boards. The synergies between ST and Wurth Elektronik are evident in the breadth and success of their partnership.